Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Middle East IT managers wants greater mail server reliability

A survey recently performed by NetApp asking Middle Eastern IT managers and Exchange administrators what they wanted from Microsoft’s Exchange software has shown the number one concern in the region to be reliability.
86 such managers were involved in the survey, 26% of which felt more detailed backup and recovery options should have top priority, while 22% wanted the ability to scale on the fly.
But it was greater reliability that took first place, with improvement desired by 46% of those surveyed.
"Exchange is a critical business application in Middle Eastern companies –Exchange downtime is simply unacceptable in today's 24/7 world," said Marty Molnar, Regional Area Director of Middle East and North Africa at NetApp. "As a result, we are seeing an increased demand for technologies that improve the uptime levels and management of Exchange data. With migration to Exchange 2007 being a top priority for many companies in the next two years, the issues of reliability and manageability will become even more important."
NetApp understand that only 1% of managers are currently using Exchange 2007. However, they believe over 85% are planning migrations to future iterations of the server software over the next two years.

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